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Will a Pill Someday Keep the Dentist Away?

An apple a day may not be quite enough to keep the doctor away, but could a pill based on new research into a previously unidentified bacteria keep the dentist at bay? The answer is probably not entirely, but the bacteria — Streptococcus A12 — does show promise in preventing tooth decay. [...]

New Study Shows the Consequences of Removing Water Fluoridation

A new study of the prevalence of children’s cavities in Canada shows that the decision of one city to stop fluoridating its water has seriously impacted the dental health of its children. Children Get More Cavities without Fluoridation In Canada, as in Australia, local water boards have control over the decision whether or [...]

Is Mouth Breathing at Night Linked to Tooth Decay?

New research from the University of Otago in New Zealand suggests that mouth breathing during sleep might put you at a higher risk for tooth decay. Of course, the study is preliminary, and it only suggests a potential connection, not any actual documented risk. Acidity Increases with Mouth Breathing To determine how mouth breathing impacts [...]

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