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Gum Disease

Will Quitting Smoking Save Your Teeth — Or Implants?

We’ve talked about it before: smoking increases your risk of tooth loss, and can put your dental implants at risk. Many of the effects of smoking can be very long-term or even permanent, but will quitting smoking help preserve your teeth or make it so that your dental implants will properly integrate? A [...]

Australians Eat Too Much Take-Away, Lollies

Based on a new study from the CSIRO, Australians are eating too much “junk food.” Although Australians do a decent job of ensuring that they eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, and other options, they didn’t do a good job of limiting what CSIRO described as “discretionary food.” A Large Survey The study is based [...]

Causal Link Found Between Gum Disease and Heart Disease

For a long time, there was debate about whether gum disease caused heart disease or if they were just correlated because of common risk factors (obesity, diabetes, smoking, etc.). We are increasingly finding that the evidence says gum disease actually causes heart disease. We know that Gum Treatment Helps Indigenous Australians’ Health

Treating Gum Disease Reduces Symptoms of Prostate Disease

Many people think that oral health is just about the mouth, but the truth is that many oral health problems have an impact on your systemic health. Gum disease, especially, is linked to many systemic problems, such as heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes. Now a new study has [...]

Crooked Teeth Can Cause Unhealthy Gums

Many people decide not to get braces because they think crooked teeth are just a cosmetic issue. But they're not. Crooked teeth can lead to unhealthy teeth and even receding gums. If you're among the people who've put off getting your teeth straightened, there's no better time than the present to [...]

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