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Fewer Headaches Could Lead to a Richer, Better Life

The UN has declared headaches the most common debilitating illness in the world, but they remain understudied and undertreated. As a result, many headache sufferers continue to try to make do in their life despite their pain. But if you're a headache or migraine sufferer, we bet you dream about how much better [...]

Lyme Disease Symptoms Could Be TMJ

The existence of Lyme disease in Australia remains controversial. Although there has officially been no evidence to support the existence of Lyme disease in Australia, many people continue to report symptoms, and an ongoing study being conducted by the University of Sydney hopes to shed light on other potential explanations for the disease. But there [...]

By |March 13th, 2015|TMJ|

What Eating Pain Says about Dental Health

Eating is a basic function. You need to do it to live, and you should be able to do it without any kind of discomfort. But if you are experiencing discomfort, you may have serious dental problems that need attention. Here are some symptoms to look out for that may signal dental problems. Food Gets [...]

Iggy Azalea: TMJ “Made Me Realize It’s Important to Look after Yourself.”

Last week, NSW's own pop star sensation Iggy Azalea announced that she has been diagnosed with TMJ. As a result she is hoping to reduce her stress in 2015 by "[staying] away from all the drama." Hopefully, the announcement will help young Australians realize that their jaw joints are vulnerable and that stress [...]

By |January 8th, 2015|Celebrity, TMJ|
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