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Acidic Food Damage Begins in 30 Seconds

According to new research from the University of Adelaide published in the Journal of Dentistry, acidic food begins to damage teeth very quickly. For the first time, researchers have been able to document the rapidity of acid's attack on teeth. They found that essentially permanent damage to tooth enamel was caused within the first 30 [...]

Good and Bad News for Oral Health of Aging Australia

As with the rest of the developed world, Australia is facing a future in which our population will be much older than in the past. The population of people age 65 and over will likely increase by about 4 million persons by 2060. This population will also include an increasing proportion of very old persons. [...]

Dental Implant Success Improves as We Conquer Complications

While it's true that dental implant success rates are already quite high (up to 98% when performed by an experienced dentist), it would be nice if we could achieve a 100% success rate. You'll have to excuse us our perfectionism on this. The good news is that as we continue to study dental [...]

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